Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Average for DNS in INTI!!!

Today after I finish the class at 12pm. I go SCE Office find my HOP and wanna ask about my CGPA Grade...
Very funny de, when i knock his door and he see me. First thing he tell me is: "Har, Dun have any complaint!!!". After i hear that i laugh lo then i tell him i am the most kind student in class lo, haha!!!
I ask for my CGPA but he tell me didnt have CGPA grade and just can see the average result only... Then he tell me my Average is above 6.5!!! When i hear tat i abit dun like because just 6.5 above nia.... I think will be above 7 lo!!! He tell me above 6.5 is damn high edi!!! Haizzz... in LAN subject, i get 1 A and 1 C but tat is not important for average de... All subject in DNS till now, i get 7A, 8B, 4C and fail 1 subject when semester 2.... all 20 subject and average is 6.5!!!
I wan high high high so tis semester wan gambateh lo!!!!


Bee Siew said...
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