Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sem 7 in Inti College!!!

So fast, me study at inti college 7 semester edi.
2 years life in INTI College, haha...
This semester is a hard sem for me because all my subject is bad for me. I dun like...
Computer Ethics, IT Entrepreneuship Skills, Building Internet Firewall and BM....
Ethics i have fail 1 time be4 on semester 2. So this is second time that i taking computer ethics...
Ethics and IT subject teacher is a teacher that same name with me... "Tan Kok Cheng"
haha... but this 2 subject is hard for me because all is theory. I hate theory. Haizzz....
Firewall and BM i think is ok for me... but wont get good result lo...
I will gambateh de... Jia You Jia You!!!