Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Semester Six of my College Life!!!

final exam of semester six will be start on next monday!!! Start from 13 April and end on 17 April!!!

This semester really very busy!!! Before this semester. The coursework marks all is 40% and have less thing to do but now after the college have change to 60% coursework then it will busy!!!

Before tis semester, every sem also done all the coursework early and have 2 weeks of study week but now i still in busy on project... When now i write my blog and my group members sit beside me to do the documentation!!! After this project and i have done all the coursework in this semester.. All the assignment, project and test have been done!!!

I was scare on final exam because after the grading scale have been change and it will be more hard for me to get A for my subject!! Very hard!!!!

Plus now my coursework not so good!!! haizzz... Few subject coursework was low and worry on that!!!!

Hope me can get good result in FINAL EXAM!!!

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