Friday, March 13, 2009


Yesterday i doing assignment till 4 smtg, and due on today. Today oso same, doing assignment till 4 smtg also. Then now i just finish my supper and coming b to home and sitting in front my laptop and writing my blog..

Tired, very tired... Tomorow 8am morning still got replacement class, saturday also wan go school... Hng... NExt week also will be a tired week. Due a assignment on Monday and on Monday have a test. Wednesday also have another test and Friday need due another assignment.

Shit, stupid college... Change wat change... Like last time 40% coursework and 60% final exam and the grading scale so nice, 67 marks can get A- edi... Now change to 60% coursework and final exam only have 40% nia.. Few people say good because they dun hope on final exam and their coursework can get high marks because they wont waste their brain space and too much time to do their assignment or project. They just need have a good friend and can get the assignment to copy and project have people do for them so they dun scare on their coursework. Stupid Mind... Now change to 50 marks just pass and 75 just get A-.. .Stupid...

My A is gone... hard to get A edi.... And after change to 60% coursework. Every subject have add on more assignment and more test.. Last time 40% course work and only have 1 assignment and 1 project or 2 assignment and 1 test. Now became 2 assignment,1 project, 2 test... Stupid... 1 assignment 1 project edi not much time to do edi. Now just feel that the time to rest is less and less... Plus the assignment is Individual, haizz.

What a stupid changes in college.... Stupiak....

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