Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pain ah Pain ah!!!

Today i very free when noon. After i have a noon sleep then i go to school and see the basketball competition semi-final... When i go there, the competition still not yt start and i go chat v other team friends and i shoot ball together with them. When i shoot for second ball, my left hand elbow there was very pain!!! Then i just think of rain then pain so nvm because sometimes when rain my body have some parts will pain...

Then after the game is finish and i was going to play siok v friend. When 1 times get the rebound and my elbow was hit by people and was very pain!!! Errrr.... Bad luck... Then when playing game till half and my leg was start pain then i didnt run and finish the game... After finish and they want to continue but i reject because i noe if i still continue playing and it will become more worst so i stop playing and going b to home liao!!!

Hope my leg and elbow can cure fast!!! ^^

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