Friday, February 20, 2009

A Tired Week!!!

This week really tired!!! Have to Due 3 Assignment and 1 Test!!!
Now Finish edi!!! Come out to subang for study on tis semester, i never sleep before 12!!!
but yesterday, is my first time sleep before 12, i sleep on 11pm... HAHA!!!

Monday due 1 assignment, tuesday due 1 and yesterday due 1 assignment and having the JAVA test!!! so on thursday is doing assignment till late and just sleep for 1 hour then go class again and after class go b home and study for the test!!! The test is not easy, i have 2 question duno how to do!!! HAHA!!! Feel that my study mode is gone, i not like last year edi!!! Where is my spirit, in 2008, i have good result in whole year because i have done a good job in study and doing the assignment.

For now, i feel that my spirit is gone plus tis semester lecturer is sux... Make me no mood to study, i think not only feel that no mood to study. Is whole class feel that. My coursemate and the senior that take the same subject with me, all say like that.. Every day before go class and need ask each other, "WANNA Go To Class???" and having the confirm. If have people go and will go... If 40% people say dun wan go... All will decide that 80% people ponteng the class!!! So funny....

My favorite subject -- Cisco and JAVA. JAVA still ok, because the lecturer is good but my programming skill is become more cha. Duno why... Lolx... On the cisco, the theory class lecturer is very sux, make whole class no mood to study!!! but the lab class is a good lecturer because he is cute and good in networking so the lab class sure wont ponteng 1... HAHA....

Today i wake up at 7. First time ah!!! Haha... I feel that is impossible for me... wakakaka!!!

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