Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!

Today is second day of CNY -- chu er!!! i at my uncle house and using my cousin pc to on9.... This CNY so bored!!! VEry Sienzzz Sienzzz Sienzzz!!!!

The ang pao that i take okok nia!!! ahaha.... Take ang pao, eat nice food and gambling...

About gambling, today so funny... Me be head and play with all my cousin...
When start, my two little cousin got 50 sen and 20 sen alots and like a KLCC... But at last the KLCC lost to me edi!!!Wakaka!!!!

Hope all my friends having a nice CNY!!! Having a good Moo Moo Year!!!


James Wee said...

oi babi !!
Wakau I didnt know you own a blog ... XD

K^.^C said...

cb u!!! call me babi!!! u la babi...


Tis blog having long time but last time is private de... Now can share edi ma....